Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sun God

Sun God

Sun god worshipers bask in his glow

But he is not a god

…a fraud…

His so-called life giving power destroys

The bloom of a cherry blossom turns to dust


Searing heat, cracking flesh


Dry to the bone until eventually they are gone.



Detached from it all

Blown away by the four winds

Off in the distance having no true friends.

Under the cover, searching deep inside

For something to believe in

So you no longer will have to hide.

Not willing to give a lot

You give little then pull back

Loneliness is part of the job

At times for this you are glad.

Not having your two foot perimeter invaded

You solitude is spared

When loneliness cuts to the heart you are scared.

Crack out of your shell

Break outside

Let the four winds carry you from whence you hide

Attach one to you and others will follow

Draw them all in, live for tomorrow.



Am I too analytical at times?

I don't know

Am I pessimistic?

Maybe, I've been told I am on more than one occasion.

Perhaps I do have a narrow minded, somewhat morbid view of the world.

But it's my world.

They say no man is an island, but I am an island unto myself..

There isn't a bridge long enough to reach me or stable enough to hold my weight.

I am trapped on my one man island.

Help me…



I know your out there, I can here you breathing.

Oh well, I guess I'll just sit here alone and continue to write this nonsense until

Someone comes to rescue me.